Tuesday, October 7, 2014

O'buma's National Science Foundation to start cybersnooping for " hate speech. "

More political correctness bs. What does " hate speech " have to with science ?

National Science Foundation to Start Snooping
By Michael Reagan
Barack Obama, when compared to the rest of the federal government, may be a paragon of information acquisition, at least when you contrast him with members of the administration who evidently don’t even read newspapers.
The Washington Free Beacon reports the National Science Foundation has evidently missed all the bad publicity and negative reporting on NSA snooping, drone snooping, FBI snooping, Google snooping, and amateur local snooping. To say nothing of your wife going through your phone messages.

In fact, NSF believes Americans need more supervision of their thoughts and communication. And to achieve that end has hired researchers at Indiana University to get right on it.
Reporter Elizabeth Harrington found that NSF has paid almost $1 million for a project to “create an online database that will track 'misinformation' and hate speech on Twitter.” The concerned government bureaucrats “will monitor ‘suspicious memes’ and what it considers ‘false and misleading ideas,’ with a major focus on political activity online.”
Well that’s a relief!
I’m certain a leftist university researcher or a government bureaucrat will be in complete agreement with me as to what constitutes “suspicious” or “misleading” ideas. I’ll bet right now they are relentlessly hunting down criticism of Sarah Palin and the Koch brothers like bloodhounds on a scent trail. Sen. Harry Reid better prepare for a veritable Twitter storm as the federal government steps in to rectify wrongs.
Or maybe not.
It seems the lead researcher on the project, one Filippo Menczer, “proclaims his support for numerous progressive advocacy groups, including President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action, Moveon.org, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, and True Majority.”
Something tells me that any tweets pointing out average temperatures haven’t risen in 13 years, it’s been over nine years since the U.S. suffered a major hurricane, fracking is a breakthrough that benefits the economy and national security, and Obamacare is a healthcare disaster will be entered in the database as “misleading” at best and treasonous at worst.
Research projects like this only feed the all too real feeling on the part of many that the federal government is too nosy. The project also contributes to the paranoia among conservatives that the feds are actively hostile.

When you get a notice from the bank that starts out with NSF, you know it means "Insufficient Funds" and your account is overdrawn. In the future I won’t criticize if whenever you see the acronym NSF in a report on government research activity you automatically conclude: “Insufficient Thought.”

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